Półprzewodnikowa cewka Tesli o podwójnym rezonansie (ang. Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil). W przeciwieństwie do SSTC rezonans występuje również po stronie pierwotnej transformatora Tesli za sprawą innej konstrukcji obwodu pierwotnego.
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38


Post autor: joeb »


Nazywam się Joe, piszę z Włoch. Ja jestem za pomocą tłumacza, bo nie mówię po polski. Mam nadzieję, że rozumiesz.

I like your forum, znalazłem wiele zdjęć tesla DRSSTC i bardzo ciekawe dyskusje!

Chciałem pokazać mój projekt.

Właśnie zacząłem, mam nadzieję, że do końca to i to działa dobrze.

Mam nadzieję, że będzie można.

Steve Ward U.D 2.5 (Eric Rev.)
Interrupter NE555
Semitrans SKM300GB12T4 and 403GB128D

teraz muszę zbudować pierwotnego i wtórnego cewki.

Chciałbym zatrzymać się na około 40kHz.

mogę napisać więcej szczegółów później!

Dziękuję wszystkim.

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Posty: 799
Rejestracja: 22 mar 2013, 20:12

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: Yuri »

Can You write this message in english? We are able to translate english into understable polish better than translator.

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: admin »

Witaj na myHV, joeb!

@Yuri: Akurat tłumaczenie włoski>polski jest niezłe ; )

@joeb: Czekamy na więcej szczegółów.

After some back and forth translations I think it will be better if we write in english.
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Posty: 799
Rejestracja: 22 mar 2013, 20:12

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: Yuri »

@hvman: Faktycznie, źle nie jest, jednakże pragnę zmontować z tego czystą polszczyznę. :D
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Posty: 820
Rejestracja: 2 paź 2010, 13:47

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: Mania-C »

Is great to see people from other country on a forum.
translation is all most fine, but if you can simple writhe in English
Good luck and We waiting for more news :D
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »

thanks all for replies! is more simple for me write in english! :D

this project it's just at the beginning, so i'm going around for find all the parts i need!!

yesterday a found the wire for secondary.

i planning to use 250mm Diameter and 1000mm Eight using 0,45mm (25AWG) wire. My software say:

- 70,90khz of resonant f.
- 42,97khz of quarter wavelength
- 31,78pF Toroid capacitance required

i hope is a good choise for my project!

but, i'm working parallelamente with a Rotary spark gap TC, almost ready! i think is better to open another post for details! ;)

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Posty: 820
Rejestracja: 2 paź 2010, 13:47

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: Mania-C »

Do you use a pulse train modulation to convert a high state interruptor through toslink ?
I think that this is the only way out of the problem because the receiver in their internal structure have AGC (Automatic Gain Control).
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »

Actually.....i don't know this kind of control! i use the Toslink (Sharp 5Volt type) like a simple opto-transmitter and reciever!......and its work great!!

In the Interrupter side, the direct output of 555 IC is directly connected to Input PIN of Transmitter with a 1K resistor, and in the Driver Side the signal from reciever is directly passed through a Smith Trigger! it's all!

The interrupter sch is taken from here Steve Ward Interrupter

and the Driver U.D.2.5 From here Eric Goodchild

and you? what kind of Driver uses? i saw a particular driver used in this forum, have you some kind of schematics?
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Posty: 410
Rejestracja: 7 kwie 2010, 16:36

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: Dżejwor »

People in poland usually use hammertone predikter. I think it is much better option than Ward's UD 2.x drivers. But much more expensive and dificult to tune. Simple NE555 Ward's interrupter is a bad thing - available range of adjustment easy can blow up whole coil. Absolutely not to be exceeded: 1kHz PRF and ~10% duty cycle. Toslink is not a good option - that receivers are sensitive to electromagnetic lnterference it easy can generate too long pulses and other bad things at its output.
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »

Dzejwor, uhm.....now you put on me some doubts! For this tesla, i think i'll use Ward's driver....but for the next one i want to try this Hammertone!.... what kind of more accurate interrupt you can suggest me? The version i create have 2khz output with 5% duty!

i'm here for have suggestion and critics, so i'm happy for your reply!
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »

Found another, more accurate interupter from Steve Conner.

Steve Conner's Interrupter

and in this website......a modified Toslink reciever for noise-less!

Toslink MOD
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »


Can anyone say me were i can find the schematic and documentation about Predikter driver?


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Posty: 560
Rejestracja: 5 kwie 2010, 18:49
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: slu_1982 »

Na Gadu-Gadu nie udzielam żadnych porad związanych z elektroniką ani chemią.
Do tego służy forum !!
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »

Thanks slu! But......for have some documentation or BOM list?
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Posty: 560
Rejestracja: 5 kwie 2010, 18:49
Lokalizacja: Olsztyn

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: slu_1982 »

Part list, idea circuit, multilayer with elements, photo of bottom elements, eagle projects
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Na Gadu-Gadu nie udzielam żadnych porad związanych z elektroniką ani chemią.
Do tego służy forum !!
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Posty: 9
Rejestracja: 15 cze 2013, 16:38

Re: [DIY] DRSSTC Italy!

Post autor: joeb »

Thanks Slu! i'm studying this driver and valuating the idea of realization. i want to test both driver, Ward and Predik.

Why there isn't a website or a post with all the documentation and explanation? Seems to be a very good project and a lot of coilers can like and decide to use it!
